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Our Mission

With our platform, we have set ourselves the goal of bringing together local suppliers of sustainable products and people who want to live and consume more sustainably.

As a central point of contact, our platform enables users to integrate sustainability into their everyday lives without spending a lot of time by making relevant offers in the area visible and transparent. This makes it possible to take sustainability aspects into account even when making spontaneous decisions, such as going to a restaurant in the evening.

With our platform, we support local providers in dealing with a variety of challenges such as the trend towards e-commerce, digital customer approach or the limited budget for marketing and internet presence. Our platform enables them to address their target group in a targeted, cost-effective and individual way without needing their own website.

0 Cities are involved
0 Businesses
0 Openly Accessible, Sustainable Location

How it works

Sustainable shopping

On our platform you will find numerous locations to make your personal shopping more sustainable - from food to fashion, you will find the right suppliers in your area.

Any Questions?

Eat sustainably

Planning your next get-together with friends or want to go out for a spontaneous meal in the city? You can find sustainable restaurants, cafés and bars in your area on our platform. Try out the sustainable alternative!

Any Questions?

Openly Accessible, Sustainable Location (ÖnAs)

Would you like to read a new book or make your books available to others? You can find book shelters and libraries on our map. You will also find other public sustainable contact points (ÖnAs) such as used glass containers, bee vending machines and much more.

Any Questions?

Support us

Suggest Location or ÖnA

Do you know of sustainable locations or Openly Accessible, Sustainable Location (ÖnA) that are not yet registered on our platform? Let us know about them using our "Recommend Location" function and help even more people to integrate sustainability into their everyday lives.

Social Media Support

Visit us on our social media accounts (Instagram, Facebook and Linkedin) and react to our posts. This will keep you up to date and help us increase our reach to reach even more people with our platform.

Volunteering or Donations

You think the idea is great and would like to support it with your time or financial resources? Then you are welcome to volunteer to help us register more locations or expand our marketing team. We also appreciate your financial support via PayPal.

Register Location

1. Select Model
You can choose between three different models. Choose the model that suits you best. We offer you maximum flexibility, so you can change your chosen model at any time.

2. Store Data
Enter the data for your location for the first time using our input form. You can change the details yourself at any time after your registration. Of course, you can also add several locations to your account.

3. Confirm Selection
After you have confirmed your entries, we will check and approve them. Your location will then appear directly on our platform. Welcome to the sustainability heroes!




Company description
Sustainability Aspects
Opening Hours
Online Shop
Phone Number
E-Mail Address
Multi-User Administration
Social Media


15 € per month
or 165 € per year, plus VAT

Company description
Sustainability Aspects
Opening Hours
Online Shop
Phone Number
E-Mail Address
Multi-User Administration
Social Media


20 € per month

or 165 € per year, plus VAT

Company description
Sustainability Aspects
Opening Hours
Online Shop
Phone Number
E-Mail Address
Multi-User Administration
Social Media

17 SDGs

With the 2030 Agenda, the global community has set itself 17 ambitious goals - the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) - for sustainable development. We are already making a contribution to achieving 10 of these goals.



Fabienne Horlaville, Thomas Klir, Kevin Tscholitsch (f. l. t. r)

Fabienne Horlaville

Marketing and Communication

When it comes to sustainability, one of Fabienne's priorities is to reduce packaging waste and electricity consumption, i.e. to take small, simple steps towards sustainability. To implement this, she has started with a bathroom that is as plastic-free as possible and now prefers to buy regional and seasonal food.

Thomas Klir

Technology and Sales

When it comes to sustainability, the social aspect is particularly important to Thomas: treating employees and partners fairly and responsibly. He enjoys taking part in social campaigns and helping people achieve their goals in everyday life.

Kevin Tscholitsch

Finances and Processes

It is important to Kevin to have the topic of sustainability on his mind as often as possible. For him, sustainability doesn't mean doing without something as long as you know the right alternatives. In his everyday life, he pays particular attention to the regionality and type of production of food. He also volunteers for environmental and educational projects.

Would you like to work with us?

Developer (F/M/D)

We are looking for you as a working student! Are you interested in development and can you tell us what the shown code snippet does?

public static xxxCode: ValidatorFn = (control: AbstractControl): ValidationErrors | null => {

const value = control.value;

if (!value) { return null; }

const isxxxCode = /[0-9]{5}/.test(value);

return !isxxxCode ? { isxxxCode: !isxxxCode } : null; };

Then get in touch with us.

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